Latest iso absolute64-20180913.iso: unetbootin or rufus

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Latest iso absolute64-20180913.iso: unetbootin or rufus

Post by LarryDC »

Since I don't have a running Windows partition (for rufus) nor familiarity with unetbootin, I was stuck until I ran "isohybrid" on the subject iso. Then the usual "dd" worked fine:
# dd bs=4M if=absolute64-20180913.iso of=/dev/sdb ##[or c .. or d....but NEVER /dev/sda].
# sync ##Just to be sure the copy has really finished

If you want to be fancy try:

Code: Select all

echo ' '
echo ' '
ls -s $1
echo ' '
echo 'Syntax: ' 'entire-path_filename_.iso' '[space]' 'only final letter of USB'
echo ' '
echo Burning $1 onto /dev/sd$2 at bs=4M
echo ' '
read -p 'Ctrl-C if this NOT what you want' xc
echo ' '
dd bs=4M if=$1 | pv -tprebI $1 | dd of=/dev/sd$2
echo ' '
echo 'Done. Now sync'
eject /dev/sd$2
Distro dilettante (25 on 3 HD i5 8GB RAM w/ antiquated NVIDIA GeForce 210): Absolute for speed and fixing things. Michaels Duvan JWM, Sparky Testing JWM, Voidlinux JWM (musl for static compiling vfu), Obarun JWM [s6], Porteus xfce4 (faster than Absolute)
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